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Friday, November 2, 2007

How to Improve at Surviving Stressful Situations

Develop Your Coping Skills

  • Plan ahead - anticipate - prepare for the unexpected - have a plan B, C & D. Some events are extremely stressful despite good planning, e.g., the Gulf War. Some events are extremely stressful because they threaten our safety, e.g., the attack on 9-11-01.
  • Organize your academic, social and personal life. Establish goals and objectives. Develop time lines for reaching your goals.
  • When you schedule your day, allow time for leisure activities, study breaks and time to do absolutely nothing or indulge your guilty pleasures. My example of doing absolutely nothing is watching TV. Take time to relax - listen to relaxing music, do relaxation exercises, reflect and meditate. Whatever it takes to loosen up.

Academic Tips

At the end of this piece you'll find some very specific and helpful coping strategies for college students.

  • DON'T PROCRASTINATE - take care of business in a timely way. Some people procrastinate simply because they want to avoid a task that is unpleasant for them - that's the simple explanation and normal. Some people procrastinate because they crave excitement and like living on the edge. If that's a pattern for you then you better look me up.
  • If you mess up on a test or an assignment, reflect on what you did wrong, make the necessary changes and let it go. Don't beat yourself up. If you learn from the experience you're not a failure. This is an essential part of growth.
  • If you're academically stressed, this is good because it means you're challenged. People who are not challenged seldom grow. People who graduate from IUS are people who have grown.

Social Tips

  • Maintain your emotional support system. These are the people you can vent your frustration with and share your successes with. Includes family, friends and classmates. Talking about what's happening to you is the best way to defuse your feelings and symptoms. Get feedback and advice from the people you trust. If the feelings and symptoms persist after three days to a week of talking then give me a call.
  • Don't become so obsessed with school or work that you neglect friends or family. Strike a balance.
  • And don't become so taken by a relationship that you neglect family, friends, or your academic responsibility. Strike a balance. In a romantic relationship this is easier said than done, but try to keep your wits about you especially in that first six week to three month period of infatuation.

Personal Tips

  • Attitude, not aptitude, determines your altitude. One suggestion for a good attitude is an out take on the serenity prayer: accept what you can't change and focus on what you have control over. We all have days where we need to say this twenty times an hour. It will help you to avoid the control trap.
  • Try to exercise. Exercise releases tension in the muscles and reduces the effects of anxiety. Eat right and get your sleep. If you're run down, you won't be efficient or function at the intellectual level required to get good grades. Stress degrades the first line of defense in our immune system and prolonged stress usually leads to illness. Ever notice how many people get sick at Christmas or at the end of a semester.
  • Maintain your self-confidence and self-esteem. If you can, avoid toxic people and situations. Value and protect yourself. If you're in an abusive work environment and can't change it, then find another job. If you're in an abusive relationship, assert yourself and attempt to change it. If that doesn't work, you have the option of either leaving the relationship or detaching to protect yourself.
  • Don't overextend yourself especially at work. Learn how to say no. Know your limits. When life becomes overwhelming, breathe deeply, tighten your muscles (begin with your toes and work your way up), and then slowly relax each set of muscles as you exhale.
  • Commitment, the best measure of personal integration or how together you are. Students who are marginally committed to their educational goals have more conflicts and stress than the truly committed student. The truly committed student knows their goals, how to achieve them, and, barring unusual, extreme or catastrophic events, will reach their goals. The student who lacks full commitment is ambivalent about their classes and studying and is frequently conflicted in their choices. This student will waste a lot of time weighing options like should I party or should I study. Which brings us back to the issue of maturity and discipline.
  • If you are well integrated, you'll see yourself as behaving well and you'll most likely feel good about yourself, think clearly and perform at your optimum level. The integrated person enjoys life, accomplishes their goals, and is usually happy. They also have less stress.
  • Try to get along. Most people respond well to someone who smiles and is friendly. But don't be afraid to speak up for yourself in a calm and reasonable voice. This shows that you value yourself and you expect others to also value you. Having self-respect is crucial to keeping your stress at a minimum.
  • Allow yourself to cry. It releases feelings and tension. Birds don't do it, bees don't do it, but football players do it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Music is well known for its ability to enhance meditation, Don your earplugs, put on a soothing CD, rest your hearth on a pillow, close your eyes to the world, and let the song take you where it will.

Close you eyes for as little as 60 seconds and visualize a pleasurable scene. It could be a waterfall, a favorite hiking trail, a mountaintop view, the shoreline, a campfire, or simply the image of a loved one.

Slip on your headphones and listen to a piece of music you like – with your eyes closed. When you concentrate on music you enjoy, giving it your undivided attention, time begins to expand. A 3 to 4 minute song seems to last 10 minutes.

Sunday, September 30, 2007


1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.

7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease
concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007



People come into your life for a
reason , a season or a lifetime . When
you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are.

They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any
wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say
or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die.
Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.!

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to
accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love
is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason , a
season or a lifetime

Friday, September 21, 2007

When you step into a Shower??

When you step into a shower, which part of the body do you wash first? ??
1. Chest ??
2. Face ??
3. Armpits ??
4. Hair ??
5. Privates ??
6. Shoulders ??
7. Others ??
Now scroll down and check what/who you are ... but?
decide first before you scroll down..?
This is pretty enlightening!!?

The following describes your character:
CHEST: You are a practical person, straightforward and do not beat around the bush. To you, convenience is of paramount importance. You hate to be distracted when concentrating and are impatient with people who do not see things your way. You are a good sex partner and willing to try new things. Your best partner in life will be those who chose HAIR.

FACE: Money is important to you and you will do anything to get it. Integrity and dignity is not important. You feel that friends are there to be used and life is one big hassle. Other people find it hard to understand you but you are not concerned as to what they think. Very self-centered person. Below average sex partner as too selfish and tend to be absorbed in self-pleasure at the expense of your partner. Your best partner in life will be those who chose PRIVATES and OTHERS.

ARMPITS: You are a dependable and hard working person. Generally a very popular person as you are very down to earth and willing to help others. Tend to get yourself into trouble as you cannot tell whether people are genuine towards you. Trusting type. You make very poor sex partners, as you are the working type with average talent. Do not always consider your partner's needs. Your best partner in life will be those who chose SHOULDERS.

HAIR: Artistic, creative, caring type. Positive thinker. Daydreaming is your hobby but you can achieve what most other people cannot! You will work tirelessly towards goals that are to your liking. You are able to see and understand things others don't. Money, material possessions are not important. Friends and family are important. You make the best sex partners. You are most willing to explore. Especially warm and sensual lovers. You love to please your partner. You value intimate moments with those you love. Talent, intelligence, loyalty, kindness, intuition are your main strengths. Your best partners in life will be those who chose CHEST and PRIVATES.

PRIVATES: Shy type. You lack self-confidence and tend to be misunderstood by others. Find it difficult to share yourself with others. You do not have many friends as others sometime find you boring and unresponsive. Perseverance is not your strength and you tend to give up easily and at the first opportunity. However, you make an above average sex partner. You are able to show your true emotions to very few people. But, in sex, you find your inner strengths. And you find sex a safe avenue to share your true mfeelings. Your best partner in life will be those who chose FACE and HAIR.

SHOULDERS: A born loser. You fail in almost everything that you do. People dislike you and you tend to spend your time alone. Your type has been known to be heavy gamblers and drinkers. You see the world as a living hell. Money and power are also important to you, but your luck will always fail you. You make a lousy sex partner. You will find it difficult to find a partner in life. Those who chose ARMPITS are your only chance.

OTHERS: You are a very average person. Undoubtedly, you have your inner strengths but people find it hard to see. You must learn to be a little bit more adventurous and sell your potential. Deep down, you are a very likable person with very few faults. However, the key will be to make your strengths stand out and not just hide your weaknesses. You are an average sex partner. You have great fantasies about different techniques but unfortunately are not brave enough to try them out.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Accidents - Dystychiphobia.
Air - Anemophobia.
Air Swallowing - Aerophobia.
Airborne Noxious Substances - Aerophobia.
Airsickness - Aeronausiphobia.
Alcohol - Methyphobia
Alone - Autophobia
Alone and Solitude - Isolophobia.
Amnesia - Amnesiphobia.

Bacteria - Bacteriophobia.
Bald People - Peladophobia.
Bald, Becoming - Phalacrophobia.
Bathing - Ablutophobia.
Beards - Pogonophobia.
Beaten By a Rod,
or of Being Severely Criticized - Rhabdophobia.
Beds / Going To Bed - Clinophobia.
Bees - Apiphobia
Bicycles - Cyclophobia.
Birds - Ornithophobia.
Black - Melanophobia.
Blindness In a Visual Field - Scotomaphobia.
Blood - Hemophobia
Blushing - Erythrophobia,
Body odors - Osmophobia
Body, Things To The
Left Side of The Body - Levophobia.
Body, Things To The
Right Side of The Body - Dextrophobia.
Bogeyman / Bogies - Bogyphobia.
Bolsheviks - Bolshephobia.
Books - Bibliophobia.
Bound / Tied Up - Merinthophobia.
Bowel Movements - Painful - Defecaloesiophobia.
Brain Disease - Meningitophobia.
Bridges / of Crossing Them - Gephyrophobia.
Buildings - Batophobia.
Bullets - Ballistophobia.
Bulls - Taurophobia.
Bums / Beggars - Hobophobia.
Burglars or Wicked Persons - Scelerophobia.
Being Buried Alive
Cemeteries - Taphephobia

Cancer - Cancerophobia,
Car / Vehicle, Riding In - Amaxophobia.
Cats - Aclurophobia
Galeophobia Gatophobia.
Celestial Spaces - Astrophobia.
Cemeteries - Coimetrophobia.
Being Buried Alive - Taphephobia
Ceremonies, Religious - Teleophobia.
Changes - Tropophobia
Chickens - Alektorophobia.
Childbirth - Maleusiophobia,
Children - Pedophobia.
Chinese / Chinese Culture - Sinophobia.
Chins - Geniophobia.
Choking / Being Smothered - Pnigophobia
Choking - Anginophobia.
Cholera - Chorophobia.
Church - Ecclesiophobia.
Clocks - Chronomentrophobia.
Clocks / Time - Chronophobia.
Clothing - Vestiphobia.
Clouds - Nephophobia.
Clowns - Coulrophobia.
Coitus - Coitophobia.
Cold / Cold Things - Frigophobia.
Cold - Extreme, Ice / Frost - Cryophobia.
Cold - Cheimaphobia,
Color Purple - Porphyrophobia.
Color Red / Blushing - Erythrophobia,
Color Yellow - Xanthophobia.
Color White - Leukophobia.
Colors - Chromophobia
Comets - Cometophobia.
Computers /
Working on Computers - Cyberphobia.
Confined Spaces - Claustrophobia.
Constipation - Coprastasophobia.
Contamination, Dirt / Infection - Molysmophobia
With Dirt / Germs - Misophobia
Cooking - Mageirocophobia.
Corpses - Necrophobia.
Cosmic Phenomenon - Kosmikophobia.
Creepy, Crawly Things - Herpetophobia.

Criticized Severely, /
Beaten By Rod /
Instrument of Punishment - Rhabdophobia.
Criticism - Enissophobia.
Crosses / The Crucifix - Staurophobia.
Crossing Streets - Agyrophobia
Crowded Public
Places Like Markets - Agoraphobia.
Crowds / Mobs - Enochlophobia,
Crucifix, The / Crosses - Staurophobia.
Crystals / Glass - Crystallophobia

Dampness, Moisture / Liquids - Hygrophobia.
Dancing - Chorophobia.
Dark / Night - Nyctophobia.
Dark Place, Being In - Lygophobia.
Darkness - Achluophobia
Dawn / Daylight - Eosophobia.
Daylight / Sunshine - Phengophobia.
Death / Dying - Thanatophobia.
Death / Dead Things - Necrophobia.
Decaying Matter - Seplophobia.
Decisions / Making Decisions - Decidophobia.
Defeat - Kakorrhaphiophobia.
Deformed People /
Bearing a Deformed Child - Teratophobia.
Deformity /
Unattractive Body Image - Dysmorphophobia.
Demons - Demonophobia
Dental Surgery - Odontophobia.
Dentists - Dentophobia.
Dependence on Others - Soteriophobia.
Depth - Bathophobia.
Diabetes - Diabetophobia.
Dining / Dinner Conversations - Deipnophobia.
Dirt, Contamination /
Infection - Molysmophobia
Dirt / Germs - Misophobia
Dirt / Filth - Rhypophobia
Dirty, Being - Automysophobia.
Disease - Nosophobia
Disease and Suffering - Panthophobia.
Disease, a Definite - Monopathophobia.
Disease, Brain - Meningitophobia.
Disease - Kidney - Albuminurophobia.
Disease, Rectal - Rectophobia.
Disorder / Untidiness - Ataxophobia.
Dizziness /
Vertigo When Looking Down - Illyngophobia.
Dizziness / Whirlpools - Dinophobia.
Doctor, Going to the - Iatrophobia.
Doctrine, Challenges To /
Radical Deviation From official - Heresyphobia
Dogs / Rabies - Cynophobia.
Dolls - Pediophobia.
Double Vision - Diplophobia.
Drafts - Aerophobia
Dreams, Wet - Oneirogmophobia.
Dreams - Oneirophobia.
Drinking - Dipsophobia.
Drugs, New - Neopharmaphobia.
Drugs / Taking Medicine - Pharmacophobia.
Dryness - Xerophobia.
Dust - Amathophobia
Duty / Responsibility - Paralipophobia.
Dying / Death - Thanatophobia

Eating / Swallowing - Phagophobia.
Eating / Food - Sitophobia
Eating / Swallowing /
of Being Eaten - Phagophobia.
Eight, The Number - Octophobia.
Electricity - Electrophobia.
Enclosed Place - Cleithrophobia,
Englishness - Anglophobia.
Erect Penis - Medorthophobia.
Erection, Losing an - Medomalacuphobia.
Everything - Panophobia,
Eyes - Ommetaphobia
Eyes, opening one's - Optophobia

Fabrics, Certain - Textophobia.
Failure - Atychiphobia
Fainting - Asthenophobia.
Fatigue - Kopophobia.
Feathers /
Being Tickled By Feathers - Pteronophobia.
Fearful Situations Being
Preferred By a Phobic - Counterphobia.
Fecal Matter, Feces - Coprophobia
Female Genitals - Kolpophobia.
Female Genitalia - Eurotophobia.
Fever - Febriphobia,
Filth / Dirt - Rhypophobia.
Fire - Arsonphobia
Firearms - Hoplophobia.
Fish - Ichthyophobia.
Flashes - Selaphobia.
Flogging / Punishment - Mastigophobia.
Floods - Antlophobia.
Flowers - Anthrophobia
Flutes - Aulophobia.
Flying - Aviophobia
Fog - Homichlophobia
Food / Eating - Sitophobia
Food - Cibophobia.
Foreigners / Strangers - Xenophobia.
Foreign Languages - Xenoglossophobia.
Forests / Wooden Objects - Xylophobia.
Forests - Hylophobia.
Dark Wooded Area, Night - Nyctohylophobia.
Forgetting / Being Forgotten - Athazagoraphobia.
France / French Culture - Francophobia,
Freedom - Eleutherophobia.
Friday the 13th - Paraskavedekatriaphobia.
Frogs - Batrachophobia.
Frost / Ice / Extreme Cold - Cryophobia.
Frost / Ice - Pagophobia.
Functioning / Work /
Surgeon's operating - Ergasiophobia.
Fur / Skins of animals - Doraphobia

Gaiety - Cherophobia.
Garlic - Alliumphobia.
Genitals, Particularly Female - Kolpophobia.
Genitalia, Female - Eurotophobia.
Germans / German Culture - Germanophobia
Germs / Dirt,
Being Contaminated With - Misophobia
Germs - Verminophobia.
Ghosts / Specters - Spectrophobia.
Ghosts - Phasmophobia.
Girls, Young or Virgins - Parthenophobia.
Glass / Crystals - Crystallophobia.
Glass - Hyelophobia,
Gloomy Place, Being In - Lygophobia.
God / Gods - Zeusophobia.
Gods / Religion - Theophobia.
Gold - Aurophobia.
Good News,
Hearing Good News - Euphobia.
Gravity - Barophobia.
Greek / Greek Culture - Hellophobia.
Greek Terms - Hellenologophobia

Hair - Chaetophobia
Halloween - Samhainophobia.
Hands - Chirophobia.
Handwriting - Graphophobia.
Harmed By Wicked Persons;
Bad Men / Burglars - Scelerophobia.
Heart - Cardiophobia.
Heat - Thermophobia.
Heaven - Ouranophobia
Heights - Acrophobia,
Heights - Hypsiphobia
Hell - Hadephobia,
Heredity - Patroiophobia.
Holy Things - Hagiophobia.
Home - Ecophobia.
Home Surroundings / a House - Oikophobia.
Home, Returning - Nostophobia.
Home Surroundings - Eicophobia.
Homosexuality /
of Becoming Homosexual - Homophobia.
Horses - Equinophobia
Hospitals - Nosocomephobia.
House / Home Surroundings - Oikophobia.
Houses / Being In a House - Domatophobia.
Hurricanes and Tornadoes - Lilapsophobia.
Being Hypnotized; Sleep - Hypnophobia

Ice / Frost - Pagophobia.
Ice, Frost / Extreme Cold - Cryophobia.
Ideas - Ideophobia.
Ignored, Being - Athazagoraphobia.
Imperfection - Atelophobia.
Inability to Stand - Basiphobia
Infection / Dirt - Molysmophobia
Infinity - Apeirophobia.
Injections - Trypanophobia.
Injury - Traumatophobia.
Insanity, Dealing With - Lyssophobia.
Insanity - Dementophobia
Insects - Acarophobia
Insects That Eat Wood - Isopterophobia.
Insects That Cause Itching - Acarophobia.
Itching - Acarophobia.

Japanese / Japanese Culture - Japanophobia.
Jealousy - Zelophobia.
Jews - Judeophobia.
Joint Immobility - Ankylophobia.
Jumping From High
and Low Places - Catapedaphobia.
Justice - Dikephobia

Kidney Disease - Albuminurophobia.
Knees - Genuphobia.
Knowledge - Gnosiophobia

Lakes - Limnophobia.
Large Things - Megalophobia.
Laughter - Geliophobia.
Lawsuits - Liticaphobia.
Learning - Sophophobia.
Left-Handed; Objects at the
Left Side of The Body - Sinistrophobia.
Leprosy - Leprophobia
Lice - Pediculophobia
Light - Photophobia.
Light Flashes - Selaphobia.
Lightning and Thunder - Brontophobia
Lights, Glaring - Photoaugliaphobia.
Liquids, Dampness / Moisture - Hygrophobia.
Lockjaw / Tetanus - Tetanophobia.
Loneliness / of Being oneself - Eremophobia
Looking Up - Anablephobia
Loud Noises - Ligyrophobia.
Love, Sexual Love - Erotophobia.
Love Play - Malaxophobia
Love, Falling - Philophobia

Machines - Mechanophobia.
Mad, Becoming - Lyssophobia.
Many Things - Polyphobia.
Marriage - Gamophobia.
Materialism - Hylephobia.
Matter, Decaying - Seplophobia.
Meat - Carnophobia.
Medicine, Taking; / Drugs - Pharmacophobia.
Medicines, Mercurial - Hydrargyophobia.
Prescribing by a Doctor - Opiophobia.
Memories - Mnemophobia.
Men, Bad / Burglars /
Being Harmed By
Wicked Persons - Scelerophobia.
Men - Androphobia
Menstruation - Menophobia.
Mercurial Medicines - Hydrargyophobia.
Metal - Metallophobia.
Meteors - Meteorophobia.
Mice - Musophobia,
Microbes - Bacillophobia
Mind - Psychophobia.
Mirrors - Eisoptrophobia.
Mirrors - Catoptrophobia.
Missiles - Ballistophobia.
Mobs / Crowds - Demophobia,
Moisture, Dampness / Liquids - Hygrophobia.
Money - Chrometophobia
Moon - Selenophobia.
Mother - In - Law - Pentheraphobia.
Moths - Mottephobia.
Motion / Movement - Kinetophobia
Moving / Making Changes - Tropophobia.
Moving Automobile /
Vehicle, Being In - Ochophobia.
Incoordination (Ataxia) - Ataxiophobia.
Mushrooms - Mycophobia.
Music - Melophobia.
Myths / Stories /
False Statements - Mythophobia

Names /
Hearing a Certain Name - Onomatophobia.
Names - Nomatophobia.
Narrow Things / Places - Stenophobia.
Narrowness - Anginophobia.
Needles - Aichmophobia
New, Anything - Kainophobia
Newness - Cainophobia
News - Hearing Good News - Euphobia.
Night / Dark - Nyctophobia.
Night - Noctiphobia.
Noise - Acousticophobia.
Noises, Loud - Ligyrophobia.

Noises / Loud Voices /
Telephones - Phonophobia.
Northern Lights - Auroraphobia.
Nosebleeds - Epistaxiophobia.
Novelty / Anything New - Kainophobia
Novelty - Cainophobia
Nuclear Weapons - Nucleomituphobia.
Nudity - Gymnophobia
Number 8 - Octophobia.
Number 13 - Triskadekaphobia.
Numbers - Arithmophobia

Ocean / Sea - Thalassophobia.
Odor, Personal - Bromidrosiphobia,
Odor, That one
Has a Vile odor - Autodysomophobia.
Odors / Smells - Olfactophobia.
Official Doctrine / Changin - Heresyphobia
Old People - Gerontophobia.
Old, Growing - Gerascophobia
Open Spaces - Agoraphobia.
Open High Places - Aeroacrophobia.
Operation, Surgical - Tomophobia.
Opinions - Allodoxaphobia.
Opinions, Expressing - Doxophobia.
Others, Dependence on - Soteriophobia.
Otters - Lutraphobia.
Outer Space - Spacephobia

Pain - Algiophobia,
Paper - Papyrophobia.
Parasites - Parasitophobia.
Parents - In - Law - Soceraphobia.
Peanut Butter Sticking
To The Roof of The Mouth - Arachibutyrophobia.
Pellagra - Pellagrophobia.
People - Anthropophobia.
People In General / Society - Sociophobia.
People, Deformed /
Bearing a Deformed Child - Teratophobia.
Philosophy - Philsosphobia.
Phobias - Phobophobia.
Phobic Preferring
Fearful Situations - Counterphobia.
Pins and Needles - Belonephobia.
Pins - Enetophobia.
Place, Being In a Dark /
Gloomy - Lygophobia.
Places, Certain - Topophobia.
Places, Crowded Public - Agoraphobia.
Places, open High - Aeroacrophobia.
Places / Things, Narrow - Stenophobia.
Plants - Botanophobia.
Pleasure, Feeling - Hedonophobia.
Poetry - Metrophobia.
Pointed objects - Aichmophobia.
Poison - Iophobia.
Poisoned, Being - Toxiphobia,
Poliomyelitis, Contracting - Poliosophobia.
Politicians - Politicophobia.
Pope - Papaphobia.
Poverty - Peniaphobia.
Praise, Receiving - Doxophobia.

Precipices - Cremnophobia.
Prescribing Medicine
For Patients By a Doctor - Opiophobia.
Priests / Sacred Things - Hierophobia.
Progress - Prosophobia.
Property - Orthophobia.
Prostitutes / Venereal Disease - Cypridophobia,
Punishment / Flogging - Mastigophobia.
Punishment By a Rod /
other Instrument, /
of Being Severely criticized - Rhabdophobia.
Punishment - Poinephobia.
Puppets - Pupaphobia.
Purple, Color - Porphyrophobia
Rabies - Cynophobia,
Radiation / X-Rays - Radiophobia.
Railroads / Train Travel - Siderodromophobia.
Rain - Ombrophobia
Rape - Virginitiphobia.
Razors - Xyrophobia.
Rat, Great Mole - Zemmiphobia.
Rectum / Rectal Diseases - Proctophobia
Red Color / Blushing - Erythrophobia,
Relatives - Syngenesophobia.
Religion / Gods - Theophobia.
Religious Ceremonies - Teleophobia.
Reptiles - Herpetophobia.
Responsibility /
Duty, Neglecting - Paralipophobia.

Responsibility - Hypengyophobia
Ridiculed, Being - Catagelophobia
Riding In a Car - Amaxophobia.
Right Side, Things on The
Right Side of The Body - Dextrophobia.
Rivers - Potamphobia
Road Travel / Travel - Hodophobia.
Robbers / Being Robbed - Harpaxophobia.
Rooms, Empty - Cenophobia
Rooms - Koinoniphobia.
Ruin - Atephobia.
Running Water - Potamophobia.
Russians - Russophobia
Sacred Things / Priests - Hierophobia.
Satan - Satanophobia.
Scabies - Scabiophobia.
School, Going To School - Didaskaleinophobia.
School - Scolionophobia.
Scientific Terminology,
Complex - Hellenologophobia.
Scratches / Being Scratched - Amychophobia.
Sea / ocean - Thalassophobia.
Seeing oneself In a Mirror - Eisoptrophobia.
Self, Personal odor - Bromidrosiphobia
Self, Being alone - Autophobia,
Self, Being Dirty - Automysophobia.
Self, Being oneself - Autophobia.
Self, Being Seen / Looked at - Scopophobia
Self, Being Touched - Aphenphosmphobia.
Self, That one Has a Vile odor - Autodysomophobia.

Semen - Spermatophobia
Sermons - Homilophobia.
Shadows - Sciophobia
Sharks - Selachophobia.
Shellfish - Ostraconophobia.
Shock - Hormephobia.
Sin / of Having Committed
an Unpardonable Sin - Enosiophobia
Sin - Hamartophobia.
Single - Staying Single - Anuptaphobia.
Sinning - Peccatophobia.
Sitting Down - Kathisophobia.
Sitting - Cathisophobia
Situations, Certain - Topophobia.
Skin Disease - Dermatosiophobia.
Skin Lesions - Dermatophobia.
Skin of animals, Fur - Doraphobia.
Sleep - Somniphobia.
Sleep / Being Hypnotized - Hypnophobia.
Slime - Blennophobia
Slopes, Steep - Bathmophobia.
Small Things - Microphobia
Smells / odors - Olfactophobia.
Smothered, Being / Choking - Pnigophobia
Snakes - Ophidiophobia
Snow - Chionophobia.
Social Situations - Social Phobia.
Society / People In General - Anthropophobia
Solitude - Monophobia.
Sounds - Acousticophobia.
Sourness - Acerophobia.

Space, Enclosed - Cleithrophobia
Space, outer - Spacephobia.
Spaces, Confined - Claustrophobia.
Spaces, Empty - Cenophobia,
Spaces, Open - Agoraphobia.
Speak, Trying To - Glossophobia.
Speaking - Laliophobia
Speaking Aloud, Voices /
Noises / Telephones - Phonophobia.
Speaking In Public - Glossophobia.
Specters / Ghosts - Spectrophobia.
Speed - Tachophobia.
Spiders - Arachnephobia
Spirits - Pneumatiphobia.
Stage Fright - Topophobia.
Stairs / Climbing Stairs - Climacophobia.
Stairways - Bathmophobia.
Stand, Inability to - Basiphobia
Standing Upright - Basistasiphobia
Standing Up - Stasiphobia.
Standing Up and Walking - Stasibasiphobia.
Stared at, Being - Ophthalmophobia.
Stars - Siderophobia
Statements, False /
Myths / Stories - Mythophobia.
Staying Single - Anuptaphobia.
Stealing - Cleptophobia
Step-Father - Vitricophobia.
Steep Slopes - Bathmophobia.

Step-Mother - Novercaphobia.
Stings - Cnidophobia.
Stooping - Kyphophobia.
Stories / Myths /
False Statements - Mythophobia.
Strangers / Foreigners - Xenophobia.
Streets, Crossing Streets - Dromophobia.
Streets - Agyrophobia.
String - Linonophobia.
Storm, Thunder - Brontophobia.
Stuttering - Psellismophobia.
Suffering and Disease - Panthophobia.
Sun / Sunlight - Heliophobia.
Sunshine / Daylight - Phengophobia.
Surgical operations - Tomophobia.
Swallowing / Eating - Phagophobia.
Symbolism - Symbolophobia.
Symmetry - Symmetrophobia
Tapeworms - Taeniophobia.
Taste - Geumaphobia
Technology - Technophobia.
Teenagers - Ephebiphobia.
Teeth - Odontophobia.
Telephones / Noises /
Voices / Speaking Aloud - Phonophobia.
Telephones - Telephonophobia.
Termites - Isopterophobia.
Tests, Taking - Testophobia.
Tetanus / Lockjaw - Tetanophobia.
Theaters - Theatrophobia.
Theology - Theologicophobia.
Things, Many - Polyphobia.
Things, Large - Megalophobia.
Things / Places, Narrow - Stenophobia.
Things, Small - Microphobia
Thinking - Phronemophobia.
Thunder - Ceraunophobia.

Thunder and Lightning - Astraphobia,
Tickled By Feathers / Feathers - Pteronophobia.
Tied / Bound Up - Merinthophobia.
Time / Clocks - Chronophobia.
Toads - Bufonophobia.
Tombstones - Placophobia.
Tornadoes and Hurricanes - Lilapsophobia.
Touched, Being Touched - Aphenphosmphobia,
Haphephobia /
Haptephobia /

Trains / Railroads / Train Travel - Siderodromophobia.

Travel / Road Travel - Hodophobia.

Trees - Dendrophobia.

Trembling - Ttremophobia.

Trichinosis - Trichinophobia.

Tuberculosis - Phthisiophobia / Tuberculophobia.

Tyrants - Tyrannophobia

Ugliness - Cacophobia.

Urine / Urinating - Urophobia

Vaccination - Vaccinophobia.

Vegetables - Lachanophobia.

Venereal Disease / Prostitutes - Cypridophobia / Cypriphobia / Cyprianophobia / Cyprinophobia.

Ventriloquist's Dummy - Automatonophobia.

Vertigo / Dizziness When Looking Down - Illyngophobia.

Vision - Double Vision - Diplophobia.

Voices / Noises, Speaking aloud / Telephones - Phonophobia.

Voids / Empty Spaces - Kenophobia.

Vomiting Secondary To airsickness - Aeronausiphobia.

Vomiting - Emetophobia

Waits, Long - Macrophobia.

Walking, Standing Up and - Stasibasiphobia.

Walking - Ambulophobia, Basistasiphobia / Basostasophobia.

Washing - Abultophobia.

Wasps - Spheksophobia.

Water - Hydrophobia.

Waves / Wave Like Motions - Cymophobia / Kymophobia.

Wax Statues - Automatonophobia.

Weakness - Asthenophobia.

Wealth - Plutophobia.

Weapons, Nuclear - Nucleomituphobia.

Weight, Gaining - Obesophobia / Pocrescophobia.

Wet Dreams - Oneirogmophobia.

Whirlpools / Dizzyness - Dinophobia.

White, The Color - Leukophobia.

Wild animals - Agrizoophobia.

Wind - Ancraophobia / Anemophobia.

Wine - Oenophobia.

Witches and Witchcraft - Wiccaphobia.

Women - Gynephobia / Gynophobia.

Wooden objects / Forests - Xylophobia.

Words - Logophobia / Verbophobia.

Words, Long - Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia / Sesquipedalophobia.

Work / Functioning; Surgeon's Operating - Ergasiophobia.

Work - Ergophobia / Ponophobia.

Worms - Scoleciphobia.

Worms, Being Infested With - Helminthophobia.

Wrinkles, Getting - Rhytiphobia.

Writing - Graphophobia.

Writing In Public - Scriptophobia

X-Rays / Radiation - Radiophobia

Yellow Color - Xanthophobia.


COLORS (Allan, 1989)

RED the most emotional color. It can show impulsiveness and spontaneity of expression, a need for affection from a significant person or a sign of aggression and hate. Red is also the color of martyrdom (Allan, 1989).

ORANGE similar to red but has greater control of emotions. Orange may indicate sympathy and friendliness or an indication of aggressive resistance to dependency (Allan, 1989).

YELLOW is a highly charged color like red indicating aggressiveness and hostility if over used. Lots of yellow may indicate self-destructive behavior if over used. Gold or light yellow represents intellect intuition, faith, and goodness. Dark yellows signify treachery, jealously, ambition, secrecy, and faithlessness (Allan, 1989).

GREEN tends to mean an escape from anxiety, a sense of controlled behavior, a return to an untroubled nature. On the whole, the use of green does not indicate strong emotions (Allan, 1989)

BLUE indicates an introverted person who has conscious emotional control. Pictures using blue heavily may indicate a need for self-control. Blue represents truth, intellect, wisdom, constancy, prudence, peace, contemplation, and the feminine symbolized by water (Allan, 1989).

PURPLE indicates a need for power that may border on paranoia. Purple has been considered to be a "power' color, because it is associated with royalty (Allan, 1989).

BLACK and brown represent inhibitions, repression, and depression with possible regression is used sloppily (Allan, 1989).

WHITE can mean anti-social attitudes or it can be transcendence, simplicity, perfection and purity (Allan, 1989).

Color Emotion
Red Anger
Purple Rage
Blue Sadness
Black Melancholy
Green Jealousy
Brown Boredom
Gray Lonesome
Yellow Happy
Orange Excitement
Pink Feminine Feelings
Blue Green Masculine Feelings


APPLES represent fertility, love, joyousness, knowledge, wisdom, divination, or deceitfulness and death. A child needing emotional nurturance may draw apples. Worms drawn in the apple may indicate that their nurturance has not been adequate or positive (Allan, 1989).

BIRDS represent transcendence; a need to mature beyond the current state, the soul, ascent of the soul to heaven. Birds in children drawings usually mean a change has taken place (Allan, 1989).

CATS can represent desire, liberty, and stealth. Black cats are associated with evil and death, playfulness and grace. The cat may be a representation of the child's affection for his or her pet, which can also indicate a need for affection (Allan, 1989).
DOGS can symbolize fidelity, watchfulness, nobility, depravity, scavenging, or fury. A dog can also indicate a need for affection or expression of affection toward a pet (Allan, 1989).

FIRE is a symbol of renewal of life, transformation, purification, passion, impregnation, power, defense, protection, or destruction. Fire can mean hostility (Allan, 1989).

FISH may be phallic symbols. Fish are also the ancient symbol of Christianity.

HORSES can symbolize life and death,instinctual animal nature, dynamic power, nobility, or the intellect (Allan, 1989).

HOUSE usually represents one of the following: the child's family life and relationships, openness to outsiders, the degree of protection that it offers, nature of the present ego structure, contact with reality, the relative roles played by the psychological past and future in the child's psychological field and the degree of rigidity in the personality (Allan, 1989)

MOON may be drawn by children to mean things that happen at night. The moon can also be a feminine power symbol (Allan, 1898).

MOUNTAINS are symbols of constancy, eternity, firmness, and stillness (Allan, 1989).

PEOPLE disclose how the child views the self physically and emotionally at the moment, what the child would like to be, and the attitude toward interpersonal relationships. People that do not represent the child may be significant others. The size of the person is equated with power: the bigger, the stronger. When and where the person is drawn indicates the status of the person in the relationship. An unusually small head may indicate depression or emotional disturbance. (Allan, 1989).

OCEAN / WATER are seen as the source of life. Bodies of water can mean life and death, regeneration, sea of life to be crossed, or chaos and formlessness in the present life of the child (Allan, 1989).

RAIN has two broad symbolic meanings: fertility and spiritual revelation. Rain often connotes sadness. A rainstorm indicates acute distress and tempestuous feelings (Allan, 1989).

SUN represents masculine power in most cultures. The sun can be a healer, restorer, source of wisdom and purity, or the inborn fire in man's libido. The sun usually represents warmth and the provider of growth. A setting sun can mean depression or death. A rising sun is usually representative of birth and renewal. A misplaced sun usually means an impaired father-child relationship (Allan, 1989).

Karla D. Carmichael
The University of Alabama

A really Touching story

He almost didn't see the old lady, stranded on the side of the road. But even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached her. Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so ... was he going to hurt her? He didn't look safe; he looked poor and hungry.

He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. He knew how she felt. It was that chill which only fear can put in you. He said, "I'm here to help you, ma'am. Why don't you wait in the car where it's warm? By the way, my name is Bryan.

" Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Bryan crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. Soon he was able to change the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt. As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn't thank him enough for coming to her aid. Bryan just smiled as he closed her trunk. She asked him how much she owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. Bryan never thought twice about being paid. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance they needed, and Bryan added, "And think of me." He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearing into the twilight.

A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to eat, and take the chill off before she made the last leg of her trip home. It was a dingy looking restaurant. Outside were two old gas pumps. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. The cash register was like the telephone of out-of-work actor-it didn't ring much. The waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn't erase. The lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered Bryan. After the lady finished her meal, and the waitress went to get change for her hundred-dollar bill, the lady slipped right out the door. She was gone by the time the waitress came back. The waitress wondered where the lady could be. Then she noticed something written on the napkin under which were four $100 bills. There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote:

"You don't owe me anything. I have been there too. Somebody once helped me out, the way I'm helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do: Do not let this chain of love end with you.

" Well, there were tables to clear, sugar bowls to fill, and people to serve, but the waitress made it through another day. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard. She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, "Everything's gonna be all right. I love you, Bryan.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Reading Handwriting

Hell Traits
Hell traits1. Lying (Prevarication)

Honesty is one of the most sought-after personality traits. Unfortunately, honesty or dishonesty is a result of many variables, least of which are the person's integrity and the specific situation. However, some people have so much internal confusion that they lie when the truth is better. The worst case scenario is the letter o shown here. This is the pathological liar. He will make up stories and is basically not trustworthy. He probably does not know what the real truth is. Luckily, I do not see this trait very often. I hope you don't either. However, if you ever see this trait consistently in someone's handwriting take my advice, "Run, don't walk, to the nearest exit!"

2. Low Self-Esteem

This is the one trait that is perhaps the most common problem in the United States. In relationships, it sticks up its ugly head and will cause you problems. In handwriting a low self-image is shown by a low t-bar. The cross of the letter t is on or below the top of the middle zone. A low self-image is also revealed by a very small personal pronoun I. Since capital letters indicate the strength of one's ego, a small letter I reveals the writer doesn't have a great amount of ego strength about himself. Look for the personal pronoun capital I. To confirm any indication of self-esteem, look to the height of the cross on the letter t. The person with a low self-image fears failure and fears change that could bring failure. Consequently, she doesn't set high goals or plan very far ahead in the future.

3. Dual Personality

dual personality Dual personality is shown in handwriting by an obvious slant variation, leftward to rightward, in the same sentence. This person has trouble making emotional decisions because of the varied emotional influences. When a stressful situation arises, she withdraws into herself, into her introverted personality. There is a fundamental duality within the psyche that creates unpredictable emotional responses. Some people call this person just moody, but, it goes deeper than just mood swings. The actual biological synaptic responses in the brain function in two different distinct patterns, depending on the circumstance. As you can imagine, having two separate biological responses to the same situation can create quite an unpredictable relationship.

paranoia4. Paranoia (Okay... Extremely sensitive to criticism. Paranoid only if you're dating.)

This is one of the most significant of the Hell Traits that it is worth reviewing. As you recall, Sensitive to Criticism is an over-awareness of other's perceptions about oneself. It is the fear of disapproval. It is the overbearing need for approval. It is a fear that is shown by a loop in the lower case d and t stems. The amount of sensitivity as it relates to the personal self is shown in the stem of the lower case d. The amount of sensitivity as it relates to ideas and philosophies are shown in the stem of the lower case t. The bigger the loop, the bigger the amount of sensitivity. The Hell Trait of paranoia is present when the loop in the d is inflated like a balloon and/or flat on top.
needs a challenge
5. Needs a Challenge

This trait is very common in both men and women. It has been described as the trait of manipulation, anger at the opposite sex, or the need for a challenge. It probably fits slightly into each of those categories. I should warn you that although it is one of my hell traits, it is so common it is difficult to avoid.

It is shown in the letters c, a, and d. It is a hook-like shape that forms the top circle of those letters. It has been called a Stinger because of its resemblance to a bee's hook-like stinger which hurts very badly if you get stung. People who have stingers in their handwriting usually get a thrill out of stinging others. It is usually directed at the opposite sex. Depending on the other traits in the handwriting, it could just be a game or malicious behavior.

sexuality1. Sexually Frustrated

Some people are not totally satisfied on that physical level right now. If you see a lower loop in the g and y that is incomplete, know that the sex life is also incomplete. Look for the letters y or g shaped like this:

Sometimes, the person is having a physical challenge, like illness or some physical pain. However, most of the time, it reveals a lack of sexual or emotional satisfaction with regards to relationships.

big-sex-drive2. Big Sex Drive

This is the trait that everyone loves to talk about! The bigger the loop in someone's lower zone letters, the bigger the sexual imagination. That imagination includes energy, trust, experimentation, and even new positions. Face it, someone that imagines very well will get bored with the same old thing. So, if your lover has a big y-loop, be experimental. Remember, this loop is also exaggeration. Therefore, that person will also tend to embellish and exaggerate everything in all areas of life. They make great story tellers and are definitely the best lovers! For a big sex drive look for a long and wide lower loop in the y or g like this:

3. Loner

The loner needs his or her space. A part of her may enjoy people and actually need to be with others. However, when you see the lower stroke of a y or g drawn straight down, realize this person has a need to make it on her own emotionally. In relationships, this person will need space and not be co-dependent. In fact, independent is the key word. This can be a very healthy trait. Remember that at times, this person will need to be alone and give them this freedom. Don't smother the writer with this type of y or g:



In the middle zone, it is a need to acquire material things. If shown in the upper zone, it is a need to acquire knowledge, ideas, or education.

- Aggressiveness

Shown by hard right upstrokes that replace a lower loop. The aggressive person pushes forward into the future asserting himself physically. Often this person needs physically aggressive outlets such as competitive sports or even violence.

- Ambivert

This person relates to both introverts and extroverts while keeping a level head even amidst the existence of emotional feelings such as empathy, sympathy, and even passion. Falls into the middle-of-the-road catogory on many issues.

analytical thinker
- Analytical Thinker

The analytical person analyzes everything. This person has a strong reasoning ability to sift and weigh the facts.

- Anti-Social

Shown when the lower loops of y's , g's, and sometimes j's are retraced completely. The anti-social person does not trust anyone and rarely lets people get close enough to really know him. He fears getting hurt emotionally. This is a roadblock to intimacy.


Shown by the break-away p with a high beginning stroke. This person likes to argue. The trait will be increased if the writer is also analytical, irritated, sarcastic, stubborn, and/or impulsive.

- Attentive to Details

The writer pays attention to details. This trait contributes to a good memory. Notices everything.

- Cautious

This writer is inclined to be careful in order to minimize risk. This cautious tendency reduces any impulsive behavior and causes one to look before leaping.

Comprehensive Thinker...thru... Desire for More Physical Activity

Comprehensive Thinker
- Comprehensive Thinker

Revealed by needle point strokes on the top of the n and m, also in the h or i. These people have lightning fast minds that are able to size up situations instantly. They are curious, impatient, intelligent and usually in a hurry.

- Concentration

People with this trait have the ability to shut everything out of their mind and fully concentrate on one thing at a time. Often, on a first impression, these people seem reserved.

- Cumulative Thinker
These people need all the facts before making a decision. They may take longer to learn, but they will remember. They can be very creative and good with their hands.

Curious and Investigative
- Curious and Investigative

A quick, investigative, and exploratory thinker sizes up people and situations instantly. Gets irritated by slow talkers.

- Defiance

A large lower case letter, especially k anywhere in the writing. This high buckle k is often referred to as the "go to hell K". The defiant person resists other's authority. Seen as resentment at being told what to do and as rebellion in young people.

Desire for Attention
- Desire for Attention

High ending strokes that go up in the air much like a child raising his hand in class for attention. This person needs to be the center of attention and is always looking for ways to get noticed. This person needs lots of recognition.

Desire for Responsibility...thru... Ego Strength

desire for responsibility
- Desire for Responsibility

Shown by a large round loop at the beginning of a word, usually in capital letters like W or M, but also found in the S. This person has a desire to be needed by a large number of people and will need to be in a leadership role.

- Diplomacy

Downslanted humps toward the right on m's and n's. This person has the ability to say things in a way that other people want to hear. He can also phrase touchy subjects in a nice, inoffensive way.

- Directness

This person wants people to stop beating around the bush and get to the point. Direct people don't like to be slowed down.

- Dominant

The dominant person tends to be in control and likes it. He takes charge making people follow directions without angering them.

- Domineering

Down-slanted t-bar, to the right, with a sharp ending. The domineering person tends to fight for control. He takes charge, insisting people follow him. The sharp t-bar signifies sarcasm, whining, griping, and possible cruelness when he doesn't get his way. An unpleasant trait.

- Dual Personality

This person has trouble making decisions because the head and heart are in conflict. He withdraws into the introverted personality when he feels insecure. Unpredictable mood swings.

Ego Strength
- Ego Strength
Indicates the writer's ego strength, which can be anywhere from weak to an inflated importance of himself, thus affecting self-esteem.

Emotionally Withdrawn...thru... Fluidity of Thought

- Emotionally Withdrawn

An introvert. This person keeps his own counsel, rarely expresses feelings, and makes logical unemotional decisions.

- Emotionally Responsive

The writing reveals the heart-ruled, moody, impulsive person. This person is subject to emotional stimuli. This writer naturally relates to people's emotions and has a constant need for affection. He can be very expressive with his emotions and relates to others easily.

- Enthusiasm

An unusually long stroke that makes the cross bar of the t. This writer bubbles over with enthusiasm and excitement. Enthusiasm is a key ingredient to success in leadership because it motivates others toward action.

- Extravagant

Revealed by wide letter/word spaces and long final endings or ostentatious strokes. This person tends to overdo things. One may first notice this trait in the style of clothes she wears. It is a combination of desire for attention and generosity to one's self.

- Fear of Success

The person will come close to success, then turn away. Often a feeling of dejection occurs near success, thus this person gets very close to success, then fails.

- Fluidity of Thought

Signifies the ability to follow and change thoughts smoothly. Often a good conversationalist, speaker, or writer.


- Frankness

Shown in the letter o that has no inner loops and is relatively wide. This person will be honest and blunt when asked her opinion. If the o is open, then she will volunteer her frank opinion without being asked.

- Generosity

This person will be eager to share. This writer derives attention and personal reward from being generous to others.

- Goals

Indicates what type of goals a person will set for himself. These goals vary starting with a low level of self-worth, fear of failing, and low or no goals. Next is the person who sets practical goals. Third is ambition and high goals. The fourth reveals the dreamer and goals too high to be practical.

- High Self-Esteem

This reveals confidence, ambition, the ability to plan ahead, high goals, high personal expectations, and an overall good self image. This is the key to personal success and happiness.

- Humor
This person has a sense of humor which can become witty or sarcastic.

- Imagination

Reveals strong physical imagination, gullibility, and a tendency to exaggerate the tangible aspects of life. Has great ability to visualize and see things clearly. Can also reveal the philosophical imagination.

independent thinker
- Independent Thinker

Shown by a short d or t-stem with a restricted or no loop. This person has his own ideas about the way life is. He thinks independently of what others believe. His dress and choices in life tend to be made without regard to the norm.

- Individualistic
Shown by a circle i-dot. Most common in adolescent writing when a youth is trying to stand out from the crowd. In adulthood, she has a fear of being ordinary and must call attention to herself by being different. Also, it can indicate artistic creative expression.


- Intuition

These people have developed a sixth sense or psychic ability to feel situations very accurately, often before they occur.

- Irritability

The writer is irritated at the time of the writing. He is be irritated at the present situation, at himself, or at other people. Anger is usually present.

- Jealousy

A tight beginning loop that is small and almost square. It must make a completely closed circle. This person fears the loss of someone he loves. Can be very possessive.

- Likes Variety

This person will get bored easily and needs variety in life. The physical drives are strong and deep, providing lots of energy.

- Lives for the Moment

Immature. These people get into trouble because they live for today and fail to foresee the consequences of their actions. This person's philosophies and ethics change frequently.

Low Self-Esteem
- Low Self-Esteem

This person fears failure and fears change, thus sets goals with low risk. He remains in bad situations much too long and finds imperfections with himself. He is rarely successful in his own eyes.

- Loyalty

Shown by a picture-perfect i-dot with no tail in any direction. Loyalty is a commitment to stand by those people or ideas that they consider worthy.

- Lying

Shown by a combination of loops in the right and left side of lower case a's and o's. Huge inner loops that cross signify a person that lies pathologically. These people are not trustworthy.

Manual Dexterity...thru...Perversion

manual dexterity
- Manual Dexterity

Square formations on top of the "r's" and/or "h's". This person has the ability to take things apart and put them back together. This writer has good manual dexterity and often good coordination. They are very mechanically minded.

- Needs A Challenge

This person has an anger at strong members of the opposite sex, while only being attracted to those who are a challenge. Once this person feels totally in control of the relationship, he/she will become bored.

- Optimism

The writer is sure tomorrow will be better and always looks on the bright side of life.

- Organizational Ability

This writer will have the ability to create order out of chaos. Even if her desk appears messy, she will know what is in each pile. She is organized.

- Perfectionist

This handwriting is that of a person who spends time putting everything in its place and reviews work trying to make it precise.

- Persistence

Strokes that double back over the letter and end toward the right. Usually located in the t and f. This person has the quality of not giving up when confronted with temporary setbacks. He will persist until he completes the task.

- Perversion

Lower zone loops that are not shaped normally. These bizarre lower zone loops signify the sex/relationship aspect of the writer's life is unusual. If the loops are large, as shown, the sexual appetite crosses the line into sexual behavior outside the norm.

Physical Frustration...thru...Secretive

physical frustration
- Physical Frustration

Lower loops that are incomplete. This signifies the presence of frustration in areas such as relationships, exercise, or sexual activity. Something is incomplete in this person's life.

- Physically Experimental

They will demand variety in their physical activities which must satisfy their insatiable physical desires. Sexually, they can be very demanding and often creative.

- Positiveness

This writer makes statements with confidence and conviction. He will act like he knows the right answer even if he is not sure.

- Procrastination

A t-bar that is crossed predominately on the left side of the stem. Procrastinators will put off until tomorrow what could have been done today. This trait is one factor of laziness.

pride and dignity
- Pride and Dignity

These writers will demand respect and expect you to treat them with dignity.

- Resentment

Inflexible beginning strokes at the beginning of a word. The stroke must start at the baseline or below and remain rigidly straight. This person is harboring anger, resentment, or hate toward something or someone.

- Sarcasm

Sarcasm is like a verbal dagger defending the ego. Sarcasm is forming a dual meaning to whatever is said and is often mixed with humor. Sarcastic people have a sharp tongue that can hurt others' feelings. The sarcasm can be directed toward self, instead of toward others, creating a tendency to be self-critical.

- Secretive

This person will withhold secrets from others. If highly secretive, this person will try to avoid giving you a complete answer.

Selective Listener...thru...Socially Selective

- Selective Listener
selective listener
This person can tune other people out. He has his own ideas and will only agree with you if you agree with him. In other words, this person can be closed-minded.

- Self-Castigation

This signifies the need to punish oneself. The writer may tend to be critical and sarcastic of himself.

- Self-Conscious

Shown by the increasing height of the humps on the m's and n's. When the second hump is higher than the first, this person has a fear of being ridiculed and tends to worry what others might think when around strangers.

- Self-Control
self control
The person is under stress and self-control is being implemented. Signifies the person is obsessively controlling an action.

- Self-Deceit

Inner loops on the left side of the circle letters. This person is deceiving himself about something that is happening to him at the moment. This person may not be consciously aware of the things in his life that he is refusing to face.

- Self-Reliance and Leadership
self relience
This person possesses strong leadership qualities, relies on himself, and has a great amount of inner strength.

- Sensitive To Criticism

Shown by the looped stem in the lower case d or t. The bigger the loop, the more painful criticism is felt. If the loop is really inflated, this person will imagine criticism. The d-loop relates to personal self and the t-loop relates to sensitiveness to ideas or philosophies.

- Socially Selective

Indicates the amount of trust and imagination as it relates to people. The writing reveals some trust, but they are very selective of whom they allow in their inner circle of friends.

Stubborn...thru...Will Power

- Stubborn
Revealed by t and d- stems shaped like a tepee or upside down "V". The more this letter is braced, the more this person is braced to his own ideas. Stubborn people rarely admit they are wrong, and don't want to be confused with the facts after they have made up their minds.

- Surface Thinker

This person is a quick thinker. He tends to depend on other people's views rather than on personal investigation. He often makes decisions based on others' opinions.

- Talkative

These people must move their mouth. Sometimes they will talk just to hear their own voice.

Temper- Temper

Shown by a t-bar that is crossed predominantly on the right side of the stem. The more it occurs, the easier irritation will cause them to lose control of their emotions. If combined with a heavy rightward (DE,E+) slant, they will blow up quickly.

- Tenacity

Shown by ending hooks on the right side of letters. This person tends to hold on to what is hers. If the hook is in the upper zone she will cling to her ideas and beliefs. If in the middle zone, she will be tenacious about material items.